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Ace Total Lead Free Full Metal Jacket

SKU: leadfree

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Product Description

Total Lead Free Full Metal Jacket.

Additional Information

Lead Free FMJ

10MM/40 – 165 FP, 10MM/40 – 180FP, 32 70 TLFMJ, 38/35 158 FP TLFMJ, 38/35 180FP TLFMJ, 38/357 125 FP TLFMJ, 38/357 148 HBWC TLFMJ, 44 200 FP TLFMJ, 44 240 RNFP TLFMJ, 44 300 FP TLFMJ, 45 200 FP TLFMJ, 45 ACP 230 RN TLFMJ, 9MM 115 RN TLFMJ, 9MM 124 RN TLFMJ


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