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Applied Ballistics For Long Range Shooting 2nd Edition by Brian Litz

SKU: applied2

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Product Description

Exterior ballistics is a very mature science. Unfortunately, many shooters have not been able to completely access this field of knowledge because it’s usually described in highly technical language. The objective of this book is to explain the important elements of exterior ballistics in a practical way that can be understood and applied by shooters.
This book also offers an original contribution to the long range shooting sports: experimentally measured Ballistic Coefficient (BC) data for over 236 long range bullets of all popular brands. With truly accurate BC’s, shooters are empowered to make very precise trajectory calculations.

Included Software (Requires Windows OS)
Applied Ballistics For Long Range Shooting includes a CD containing Version 2.0 of the Point Mass Ballistics Solver. Combined with experimentally measured BC’s, this program is capable of modeling extremely accurate trajectories as verified in Chapter 8. This program has the unique ability to calculate spin drift using a method described in Chapter 6. Click here to see the instructions and capabilities of the included ballistics software. New capabilities of Version 2.0 are:

  • Output to an easily printable text file.
  • Output trajectory in inches, centimeters, MOA and MILS.
  • Output bullet kinetic energy at all ranges.



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