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Redding Standard 2 Die Set (Full Length & Seater)

SKU: 80xxx

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Product Description

Your choice of reloading dies should not be a casual one. Your dies literally shape the quality and function of your reloads. Because they are so important, we give them a lot of attention.

  • We use the finest alloy steels obtainable.
  • Our dies are machined on Hardinge Super- Precision® lathes capable of holding the tightest tolerances in the industry.
  • This allows us to guarantee that they will produce ammunition that will p roperly fit any standard (SAAMI) chamber, re g a rdless of action type.
  • To maintain tolerances and guarantee that your dies will last a lifetime, all Redding dies are heat treated in atmospherically controlled furnaces.
  • Finally, your dies are hand polished for smooth, flawless functioning, go through final inspection, and are ultrasonically cleaned and packaged.
  • The die box is a handy cartridge loading block and storage package. Inside is a spare decapping pin, hex wrench, and even a place for your shellholder!
  • All Redding dies use the industry standard 7/8-14 threaded bodies.

You will find many products and design features here that are uniquely Redding. Most of these products have evolved from listening to the needs and desires of our customers and helping them solve specific problems.

The design of our Profile Crimp Die is an example that came about from an attempt to help silhouette shooters solve the typical “half moon” crimp so prevalent with magnum handgun cartridges. Our solution to the problem not only solved the ugly, half crimp, but proved to tighten groups as well.

Seating Dies With Taper Crimp
Reloading dies for handgun calibers that headspace on the case mouth are indicated with a reddiamond . The seating dies in these calibers are made with a taper crimp. All other calibers have the standard roll crimp. Recent tests have shown that seating the bullet to its proper depth and crimping as a separate operation will produce the best accuracy. See page 13 for additional information on crimp dies.

bottleneckFull Length Die Sets
For Bottleneck Cases
Full length die sets for bottleneck
cases contain two dies. The full
length (FL) resizing die contains a
decapping rod assembly with a
neck expander (size button). The
seating die (ST) includes bullet
guide, built-in crimp ring and the
p roper seating plug.

Neck Die Sets For
Bottleneck Cases

necksetsbottleneckNeck die sets for bottleneck
cases contain two dies. The neck
( NK) resizing die contains a
decapping rod assembly with a
neck expander (size button). The
seating die (ST) includes bullet
guide, built in crimp ring and
the proper seating plug.

The Reloading die sets listed in this category re p resent the most popular dies that we produce.  Although all Redding Dies are made to the same high quality standards, Series A is the lowest price, due to the efficiency of higher production.

SERIES A – Die Sets For Bottleneck Cases

Cartridge Full Length Die Set
Deluxe Die Set
Neck Sizing Die
Neck Die Sets
Full Length Sizing Die
Decap Rod Assembly
Decap Rod
Size Button
Seating Die
Seat Plug
Form & Trim Die
204 Ruger 80287 84287 81287 82287 91287 31203 01031 42203 92287 01085 83287
221 Remington Fireball 80101 84101 81101 82101 91101 32223 01032 42223 92101 01085 83101
22 Hornet 80102 84102 81102 82102 91102 32923 01032 39223 92102 01085 83102
220 Swift 80107 84107 81107 82107 91107 34223 01034 42223 92107 01083 83107
222 Remington 80109 84109 81109 82109 91109 32223 01032 42223 92109 01084 83109
22-250 Remington 80106 84106 81106 82106 91106 33223 01033 42223 92106 01083 83106
223 Remington 80111 84111 81111 82111 91111 33223 01033 42223 92111 01083 83111
243 WSSM 80270 84270 81270 82270 91270 32242 01032 42242 92270 01067 83270
243 Winchester 80114 84114 81114 82114 91114 33242 01033 42242 92114 01067 83114
6MM Remington 80115 84115 81115 82115 91115 34242 01034 42242 92115 01066 83115
25 WSSM 80263 84263 81263 82263 91263 32256 01032 42256 92263 01067 83263
25-06 Remington 80120 84120 81120 82120 91120 34256 01034 42256 92120 01067 83120
257 Roberts 80125 84125 81125 82125 91125 34256 01034 42256 92125 01066 83125
260 Remington 80531 84531 81531 82531 91531 33263 01033 42263 92531 01067 83531
6.5 x 55 Swedish 80132 84132 81132 82132 91132 34263 01034 42263 92132 01066 83132
270 Winchester 80135 84135 81135 82135 91135 25276 01025 41276 92135 01066 83135
270 WSM 80255 84255 81255 82255 91255 23276 01023 41276 92255 01067 83255
7MM-08 Remington 80139 84139 81139 82139 91139 23283 01023 41283 92139 01067 83139
7MM Remington Mag 80136 84136 81136 82136 91136 24283 01024 41283 92136 01067 83136
7MM x 57 Mauser 80138 84138 81138 82138 91138 24283 01024 41283 92138 01067 83138
280 Remington (7MM Exp. Rem.) 80142 84142 81142 82142 91142 25283 01025 41283 92142 01067 83142
30-30 Winchester 80146 84146 81146 82146 91146 23307 01023 41307 92146 01080 83146
30-06 Springfield 80148 84148 81148 82148 91148 24307 01024 41307 92148 01080 83148
300 Remington Ultra Mag 80288 84288 81288 82288 91288 25307 01025 41307 92288 01080 83288
300 WSM 80223 84223 81223 82223 91223 23307 01023 41307 92223 01080 83223
300 Winchester Mag 80153 84153 81153 82153 91153 25307 01025 41307 92153 01079 83153
300 Weatherby Mag 80252 84252 81252 82252 91252 25307 01025 41307 92252 01080 83252
308 Winchester/307 Winchester 80155 84155 81155 82155 91155 23307 01023 41307 92155 01080 83155
8MM x 57 Mauser 80159 84159 81159 82159 91159 24322 01024 41322 92159 01080 83159
338 Winchester Mag 80163 84163 81163 82163 91163 24336 01024 41336 92163 01063 83163
375 H & H Magnum 80169 84169 81169 82169 91169 25373 01025 41373 92169 01081 83169

SERIES A – Die Sets For Straight Wall Cases

Cartridge Three Die Set
Sizing DIe
Decap Rod Assembly
Seating Die
Seat Plug
Expander Die
Profile Crimp
Taper Crimp
Trim Die
30 M1 Carbine ! 80180 91180 22097 92180 ! 01069RN 93180 95307 N.A. 85180 83180
32 Smith & Wesson Long 80158 91158 22097 92158 01073WC 93158 93310 86158 85158 83158
32 H & R Magnum 80161 91161 22097 92161 01069SWC 93161 93310 86261 N.A. 83161
32 S & W Long/32 H & R Mag 80162 91162 22097 92162 01073SWC 93162 93310 86162 85162 N.A.
9MM Luger ! 80172 91172 22097 92172 ! 01072RN 93172 91354 N.A. 85172 83172
38 Special 80183 91183 22097 92183 01071SWC 93183 94356 N.A. N.A. 83183
357 Magnum 80182 91182 22097 92182 01071SWC 93182 94356 86182 N.A. 83182
38 Spec/357 Mag 80184 91184 22097 92184 01071SWC 93184 94356 86282 86282 N.A.
40 Smith & Wesson ! 80272 91272 22097 92272 ! 01092SWC 93272 92399 N.A. 85272 83272
10MM Auto ! 80520 91520 22097 92520 ! 01087SWC 93520 93399 N.A. 85520 83520
40 S & W/10MM Auto ! 80253 91253 22097 92253 ! 01092SWC 93253 92399 N.A. 85253 N.A.
44 Special 80187 91187 21097 92187 01074SWC 93187 94428 N.A. N.A. 83187
44 Magnum 80186 91186 21097 92186 01074SWC 93186 94428 86186 N.A. 83186
44 Spec/44 Mag 80194 91194 21097 92194 01074SWC 93194 94428 86286 85286 N.A.
44-40 Winchester 80188 91188 21097 92188 01074RN 93188 95426 86188 N.A. N.A.
45 ACP/45 Auto Rim ! 80189 91189 21097 92189 ! 01075 93189 93450 86189+ 85189 83189
45 Colt/454 Casull 80191 91191 21097 92191 01076SWC 93191 95450 86191 85191 83191
! Denotes taper crimp seating die. +Profile Crimp for 45 Auto Rim only

SERIES B – Rifle & Handgun Dies
Reloading dies in this Series are slightly less popular or are more costly to produce than our Series A die sets.

SERIES B – Die Sets For Bottleneck Cases

Cartridge Full Length Die Set
Deluxe Die Set
Neck Sizing Die
Neck Die Sets
Full Length Sizing Die
Decap Rod Assembly
Decap Rod
Size Button
Seating Die
Seat Plug
Form & Trim Die
17 Remington Fireball 80204 84204 81204 82204 91204 26171 01026 42171 92204 01085 N.A.
17 Remington 80217 84217 81217 82217 91217 31171 01031 42171 92217 01085 83217
218 Bee 80200 84200 81200 82200 91200 32923 01032 39223 92200 01085 83200
22 K-Hornet 80362 84362 81362 82362 91362 32923 01032 39223 92362 01085 83362
22 B.R. Remington 80316 84316 81316 82316 91316 32223 01032 42223 92316 01083 83316
22 P.P.C. USA 80318 84318 81318 82318 91318 32223 01032 42223 92318 01084 83318
223 WSSM 80295 84295 81295 82295 91295 32223 01032 42223 92295 01084 83295
6MM B.R. Rem (Norma BR) 80317 84317 81317 82317 91317 32242 01032 42242 92317 01067 83317
6MM P.P.C. USA 80319 84319 81319 82319 91319 32842 01032 19242 92319 01067 83319
250 Savage (250-3000) 80122 84122 81122 82122 91122 33256 01033 42256 92122 01067 83122
256 Winchester Mag 80233 84233 81233 82233 91233 32956 01032 39256 92233 01066 83233
257 Weatherby Mag 80226 84226 81226 82226 91226 35256 01035 42256 92226 01066 83226
264 Winchester Mag 80127 84127 81127 82127 91127 34263 01034 42263 92127 01062 83127
6.5MM/284 NORMA (Win) 80415 84415 81415 82415 91415 34263 01034 42263 92415 01067 83415
270 Weatherby Mag 80234 84234 81234 82234 91234 25276 01025 41276 92234 01066 83234
6.8MM Remington SPC 80259 84259 81259 82259 91259 22276 01022 41276 92259 01067 83259
7MM B.R. Remington 80241 84241 81241 82241 91241 22283 01022 41283 92241 01067 83241
7MM Rem SA UM 80280 84280 81280 82280 91280 23283 01023 41283 92280 01080 83280
7MM WSM 80265 84265 81265 82265 91265 23283 01023 41283 92265 01067 83265
7MM Remington Ultra Mag 80923 84923 81923 82923 91923 25283 01025 41283 92923 01067 83923
7MM STW (Shooting Times) 80544 84544 81544 82544 91544 25283 01025 41283 92544 01062 83544
284 Winchester 80141 84141 81141 82141 91141 24283 01024 41283 92141 01067 83141
7.62MM x 39 80129 84129 81129 82129 91129 22307 01022 41307 92129 01067 83129
7.62MM Russian (7.62MM x 54R) 80290 N.A. N.A. N.A. 91290 23307 01023 41307 92290 01080 N.A.
30 TC 80236 84236 81236 82236 91236 23307 01023 41307 92236 01079 N.A.
30 Remington AR 80214 84214 81214 82214 91214 22307 01022 41307 92214 01080 N.A.
300 Savage 80151 84151 81151 82151 91151 23307 01023 41307 92151 01079 83151
300 H & H Magnum 80150 N.A. N.A. N.A. 91150 25307 01025 41307 92150 01080 83150
308 Norma Mag 80258 84258 81258 82258 91258 25307 01025 41307 92258 01079 83258
300 Rem SA UM 80275 84275 81275 82275 91275 23307 01023 41307 92275 01080 83275
300 RCM 80257 84257 81257 82257 91257 23307 01023 41307 92257 01080 N.A.
303 British 80154 84154 81154 82154 91154 24310 01024 41310 92154 01079 83154
325 WSM 80202 84202 81202 82202 91202 23822 01023 16322 92202 01080 N.A.
338 Federal 80264 84264 81264 82264 91264 23837 01023 16336 92264 01080 N.A.
338 Marlin Express 80229 84229 81229 82229 91229 23336 01023 41336 92229 01079 N.A.
338 RCM 80273 84273 81273 82273 91273 23336 01023 41336 92273 01080 N.A.
338 Remington Ultra Mag 80874 84874 81874 82874 91874 25336 01025 41336 92874 01063 83874
340 Weatherby Mag 80256 84256 81256 82256 91256 25336 01025 41336 92256 01063 N.A.
35 Remington 80165 84165 81165 82165 91165 23356 01023 41356 92165 01081 83165
35 Whelen 80215 84215 81215 82215 91215 24856 01024 16356 92215 01081 83215
350 Remington Mag 80266 84266 81266 82266 91266 24356 01024 41356 92266 01082 83266
358 Winchester/356 Winchester 80227 84227 81227 82227 91227 23856 01023 16356 92227 01081 83227
375 Ruger 80269 84269 81269 82269 91269 25373 01025 41373 92269 01082 N.A.
416 Ruger 80347 84347 81347 82347 91347 25414 01025 41414 92347 01081 N.A.
45-70 Govt. 81209 82209 — SEE BELOW FOR OTHER 45-70 DIES-

SERIES B – Die Sets For Straight Wall Cases

Cartridge Three Die Set
Sizing Die
Decap Rod Assembly
Seating Die
Seat Plug
Expander Die
Profile Crimp
Taper Crimp
Trim Die
32 ACP 80220 91220 22097 92220 01070RN 93220 90310 N.A. 85220 N.A.
32-20 Winchester 80281 91281 22097 92281 01069RN 93281 95311 86281 N.A. 83281
380 Auto ! 80170 91170 22097 92170 ! 01078RN 93170 91354 N.A. 85170 83170
38 Super Auto 80271 91271 22097 92271 01072RN 93271 93354 N.A. 85271 83271
41 Magnum 80185 91185 22097 92185 01077SWC 93185 95409 86185 85185 83185
45-70 U.S. Govt. 80209 91209 27097 92209 01065 93209 99457 86209 N.A. 83209
458 Winchester Mag 80208 91208 28097 92208 01065 93208 99457 86208 N.A. 83208
460 S&W Magnum 80278 91278 27097 92278 01096 93278 95450 86278 N.A. 83278
500 S&W Magnum 80291 91291 21097 92291 01094 93291 96498 86291 N.A. N.A.
*Denotes tapered size button.

Series C dies are less popular than the die sets listed in Series A & B.
This listing also contains many popular wildcats

SERIES C – Die Sets For Bottleneck Cases

Cartridge Full Length Die Set
Deluxe Die Set
Neck Sizing Die
Neck Die Sets
Full Length Sizing Die
Decap Rod Assembly
Decap Rod
Size Button
Seating Die
Seat Plug
Form & Trim Die
20 Tactical 80660 84660 81660 82660 91660 31203 01031 42203 92660 01085 83660
219 Zipper 80360 N.A. N.A. N.A. 91360 33223 01033 42223 92360 01083 83360
222 Remington Mag 80203 84203 81203 82203 91203 33223 01033 42223 92203 01083 83203
225 Winchester 80239 84239 81239 82239 91239 33223 01033 42223 92239 01083 83239
22-250 Improved 40° 80406 84406 81406 82406 91406 33223 01033 42223 92406 01083 83406
22 Savage H.P. (5.6MM x 52R) 80338 N.A. N.A. N.A. 91338 33227 01033 42227 92338 01084 83338
6MM TCU 80245 84245 81245 82245 91245 33842 01033 19242 92245 01066 83245
6MM/223 Rem (6MM x 45) 80312 84312 81312 82312 91312 33842 01033 19242 92312 01066 83312
6MM/284 Winchester 80414 84414 81414 82414 91414 34242 01034 42242 92414 01066 83414
240 Weatherby Mag 80232 84232 81232 82232 91232 34242 01034 42242 92232 01067 83232
243 Winchester Improved 40° 80420 84420 81420 82420 91420 33242 01033 42242 92420 01067 83420
25-20 Winchester 80218 84218 81218 82218 91218 32956 01032 39256 92218 01066 83218
257 Roberts Improved 40° 80322 84322 81322 82322 91322 34256 01034 42256 92322 01066 83322
6.5-06 (A-SQUARE) 80378 84378 81378 82378 91378 34263 01034 42263 92378 01067 83378
280 Ackley Improved 80428 84428 81428 82428 91428 25283 01025 41283 92428 01067 83428
7MM TCU 80242 84242 81242 82242 91242 23883 01023 16283 92242 01067 83242
7-30 Waters 80230 84230 81230 82230 91230 23283 01023 41283 92230 01067 83230
7MM x 64 Brenneke 80340 84340 81340 82340 91340 24283 01024 41283 92340 01062 83340
7MM Weatherby Mag 80237 84237 81237 82237 91237 25283 01025 41283 92237 01067 83237
7.5 x 55 Swiss (K-31) 80235 84235 81235 82235 91235 24307 01024 41307 92235 01079 83235
30-20 TC 80254 84254 81254 82254 91254 22007 01022 40307 92254 01066 83254
30-06 Improved 40° 80324 84324 81324 82324 91324 24307 01024 41307 92324 01080 83324
30-40 Krag 80147 84147 81147 82147 91147 24307 01024 41307 92147 01080 83147
30/338 Winchester Mag 80394 84394 81394 82394 91394 24307 01024 41307 92394 01063 83394
30-378 Weatherby Mag 80547 84547 81547 82547 91547 25307 01025 41307 92547 01080 83547
303 Savage 80296 N.A. N.A. N.A. 91296 23307 01023 41307 92296 01080 N.A.
308 Marlin Express 80294 84294 81294 82294 91294 23307 01023 41307 92294 01079 N.A.
32-40 Winchester 80225 N.A. N.A. N.A. 91225 23320 01023 41320 92225 01080 N.A.
32 Remington 80332 N.A. N.A. N.A. 91332 23820 01023 16320 92332 01080 N.A.
32 Winchester Spec. 80157 84157 81157 82157 91157 23320 01023 41320 92157 01080 83157
338-06 (A-SQUARE) 80328 84328 81328 82328 91328 24837 01024 16336 92328 01063 83328
338 Lapua Mag 80594 84594 81594 82594 91594 25336 01025 41336 92594 01063 83594
348 Winchester 80336 N.A. N.A. N.A. 91336 24347 01024 41347 92336 01081 83336
35 Winchester 80335 N.A. N.A. N.A. 91335 24356 01024 41356 92335 01081 N.A.
358 Norma Mag 80210 N.A. N.A. N.A. 91210 24356 01024 41356 92210 01081 83210
9MM x 57 Mauser 80357 N.A. N.A. N.A. 91357 24356 01024 41356 92357 01081 83357
375 Remington Ultra Mag 80925 84925 81925 82925 91925 25373 01025 41373 92925 01081 83925
416 Remington Magnum 80442 84442 81442 82442 91442 25414 01025 41414 92442 01064 83442

SERIES C – Die Sets For Straight Wall Cases

Cartridge Three Die Set
Sizing Die
Decap Rod Assembly
Seating Die
Seat Plug
Expander Die
Profile Crimp
Taper Crimp
Trim Die
30 Mauser (7.62 x 25 Tokarev) 80251 91251 22097 92251 01069RN 93251 93307 N.A. N.A. 83251
357 SIG! 80434 91434 22097 92434 ! 01072SWC 93434 91354 N.A. 85434 83434
38-55 Winchester & Ballard 80365 91365 23097 92365 01081 93365 99374 86365 N.A. 83365
38-40 Winchester 80366 91366 22097 92366 01071RN 93366 95399 86366 N.A. 83366
375 Winchester 80206 91206 23097 92206 01081 93206 99374 N.A. N.A. N.A.
40-65 Winchester 80465 91465 23097 92465 01081 93465 94407 86465 N.A. 83465
41 Long Colt 80370 91370 22097 92370 01077RN 93370 94385 N.A. N.A. N.A.
44 Russian 80372 91372 21097 92372 01074RN 93372 93428 N.A. N.A. 83372
444 Marlin 80207 91207 28097 92207 01068FP 93207 97428 N.A. N.A. 83207
450 Marlin 80350 91350 27097 92350 01065 93350 99457 N.A. N.A. N.A.
480 Ruger/475 Linebaugh 80380 91380 21097 92380 01093 93380 94473 86380 N.A. N.A.

Series D die sets re p resent obsolete cartridges, wildcats, etc., essentially custom stock. We attempt
to maintain inventory in limited quantities. Consult us for your specific needs.

SERIES D – Die Sets For Bottleneck Cases

Cartridge Full Length Die Set
Deluxe Die Set
Neck Sizing Die
Neck Die Sets
Full Length Sizing Die
Decap Rod Assembly
Decap Rod
Size Button
Seating Die
Seat Plug
Form & Trim Die
17 MACH IV 80504 84504 81504 82504 91504 26171 01026 42171 92504 01085 83504
219 Donaldson Wasp 80403 84403 81403 82403 91403 33223 01033 42223 92403 01083 83403
219 Don. Wasp Short (original) 80402 84402 81402 82402 91402 33223 01033 42223 92402 01083 83402
223 Remington Improved 40° 80907 84907 81907 82907 91907 33223 01033 42223 92907 01083 N.A.
224 Weatherby Mag 80212 84212 81212 82212 91212 33223 01033 42223 92212 01084 83212
5.7 x 28 80477 84477 81477 82477 91477 37923 01037 39223 92477 01085 N.A.
6MM Remington Improved 40° 80421 84421 81421 82421 91421 34242 01034 42242 92421 01066 83421
6MM/22-250 Remington 80516 84516 81516 82516 91516 33842 01033 19242 92516 01067 83516
6mmXC 80745 84745 81745 82745 91745 33842 01033 19242 92745 01067 N.A.
25-35 Winchester 80221 84221 81221 82221 91221 33256 01033 42256 92221 01067 83221
25 Remington 80325 N.A. N.A. N.A. 91325 33256 01033 42256 92325 01067 83325
250 Savage Improved 40° 80416 84416 81416 82416 91416 33256 01033 42256 92416 01067 83416
25/284 Winchester 80417 84417 81417 82417 91417 34256 01034 42256 92417 01067 83417
25-06 Remington Improved 40° 80422 84422 81422 82422 91422 34256 01034 42256 92422 01067 N.A.
260 Remington Improved 40° 80623 84623 81623 82623 91623 33263 01033 42263 92623 01067 N.A.
6.5 GRENDELTM 80478 N.A. N.A. N.A. 91478 32263 01032 42263 92478 01067 N.A.
6.5 Creedmoor 80446 80446 80422 80422 91478 32263 01033 41263 92478 01067 N.A.
6.5MM x 50 Japanese 80224 84224 81224 82224 91224 33263 01033 42263 92224 01067 83224
6.5MM x 54 Mannlicher 80277 84277 81277 82277 91277 33263 01033 42263 92277 01062 83277
6.5MM x 57 Mauser 80228 84228 81228 82228 91228 34263 01034 42263 92228 01067 83228
6.5MM Remington Mag 80231 84231 81231 82231 91231 34263 01034 42263 92231 01067 83231
7MM-08 Rem. Improved 40° 80430 84430 81430 82430 91430 23283 01023 41283 92430 01067 83430
7MM x 57 Improved 40° 80427 84427 81427 82427 91427 24283 01024 41283 92427 01067 83427
7MM/300 Weatherby Mag 80384 84384 81384 82384 91384 25283 01025 41283 92384 01067 83384
300/221 Remington 80432 84432 81432 82432 91432 22807 01022 16307 92432 01079 83432
30 Remington 80392 N.A. N.A. N.A. 91392 23307 01023 41307 92392 01080 N.A.
30-30 Improved 40° 80431 84431 81431 82431 91431 23307 01023 41307 92431 01080 83431
7.65MM x 53 Mauser (Belgian) 80243 84243 81243 82243 91243 23310 01023 41310 92243 01063 83243
7.7MM x 58 Japanese 80244 84244 81244 82244 91244 24310 01024 41310 92244 01080 83244
33 Winchester 80205 N.A. N.A. N.A. 91205 23336 01023 41336 92205 01080 83205
338-06 Improved 40° 80437 84437 81437 82437 91437 24837 01024 16336 92437 01063 83437
338-378 Weatherby Mag 80527 84527 81527 82527 91527 25336 01025 41336 92527 01063 83527
35 Whelen Improved 40° 80438 84438 81438 82438 91438 24856 01024 16356 92438 01081 83438
9.3MM x 62 Mauser 80345 84345 81345 82345 91345 24364 01024 41364 92345 01064 83345
9.3MM x 74R 80346 N.A. N.A. N.A. 91346 25364 01025 41364 92346 01064 N.A.
370 Sako Magnum 80456 84456 81456 82456 91475 24373 01025 41364 92475 01081 N.A.
375/444 Marlin 80475 84475 81475 82475 91475 24373 01024 41373 92475 01080 N.A.
375 H & H Improved 40° 80440 84440 81440 82440 91440 25373 01025 41373 92440 01081 N.A.
375 Weatherby Mag 80468 N.A. N.A. N.A. 91468 25373 01025 41373 92468 01081 N.A.
378 Weatherby Mag 80469 84469 81469 82469 91469 25373 01025 41373 92469 01081 N.A.
416 Weatherby Mag 80492 N.A. N.A. N.A. 91492 25414 01025 41414 92492 01064 N.A.
458 SOCOM 80444 N.A. N.A. N.A. 91492 25414 01025 41414 92492 01064 N.A.
460 Weatherby Mag 80480 84480 81480 82480 91480 30456 01030 41456 92480 01065 N.A.
470 Nitro Express 80481 N.A. N.A. N.A. 91481 29472 01029 41472 92481 01100 N.A.

SERIES D – Die Sets For Straight Wall Cases

Cartridge Three Die Set
Sizing Die
Decap Rod Assembly
Seating Die
Seat Plug
Expander Die
Profile Crimp
Taper Crimp
Trim Die
30 Luger 80250 91250 22097 92250 01073RN 93250 92307 N.A. N.A. 83250
351 Winchester S.L. 80462 91462 22097 92462 01079 93462 96350 N.A. N.A. N.A.
38 Smith & Wesson 80303 91303 22097 92303 01072RN 93303 92356 N.A. N.A. 83303
38-56 Winchester 80463 91463 23373 92463 01081 93463 99374 N.A. N.A. 83463
9mm Makarov ! 80804 91804 22097 92804 ! 01072RN 93804 91363 N.A. 85804 83804
40 SUPER ! 80677 91677 22097 92677 ! 01092SWC 93677 93399 N.A. 85677 N.A.
40-82 Winchester 80482 91482 24404 92482 01081 93482 96405 N.A. N.A. 83482
401 Winchester S.L. 80471 91471 22097 92471 01081 93471 96405 N.A. N.A. 83471
405 Winchester 80473 91473 25097 92473 01081 93473 97409 N.A. N.A. N.A.
45 Winchester Mag ! 80445 91445 21097 92445 ! 01076RN 93445 94450 N.A. 85445 83445
455 Webley 80375 91375 21097 92375 01075RN 93375 92454 N.A. N.A. 83375
45-60 Winchester 80570 91570 27097 92570 01065 93570 99457 86570 N.A. 83570
45-90 Winchester 80476 91476 28097 92476 01065 93476 99457 N.A. N.A. 83476
458 Lott 80460 91460 30097 92460 01065 93460 99457 N.A. N.A. 83460

Additional Information

Std Die

Cat A, Cat B, Cat C, Cat D


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