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Supermatch Sporting Double

SKU: supermatchdouble

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  • Trap weight of 75Kg.
  • 10 stack – 400 capacity.
  • Cycle time: 2 seconds recock time.


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Product Description

An industry first from Bowman Traps.

Requests from customers for a Sporting Double led us to design and manufacture this unique clay pigeon trap.

Using knowledge and expertise built up over many years, we now offer a clay trap that can throw a close or ‘V’ pair.

  • Bowman’s first Sporting Double/Close Pair trap.
  • Great Capacity with 400 clays as standard, with an option for 500.
  • Standard pair maximum throwing distance of 80 metres, singles distance of 95 metres.
  • Can switch from double to single throwing at the flick of a switch for ultimate flexibility and a great sporting experience.
  • Elevation to 75° – from horizontal to springing teal.
  • Throws from ‘close pair’ to a wide ‘V’.
  • Standard or midi carousel available.
  • Optional radio release: Can switch from double to single throwing at the flick of a switch for ultimate flexibility and a great sporting experience.


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